onsdag den 18. marts 2009

The name

Yes, the name.
I know it's weird, and I know you been wondering. Most likely you've reached the conclusion "Hm, she has actually got a cat named Sophie".
No, but yes.
I haven't exactly got a cat named Sophie, but...
It all started out a couple of months ago. My friend Charlie (
Nuclear Bomb Sale) and I was officially doing homework. Officially.
Actually we weren't really don't doing anything else, than writing with a bot called George (don't ask why - you wouldn't like the answer).
Suddenly a text beep'd in from my friend Emil. In a sudden moment of weirdness, I told him that he was my cat named Sophie.
He was, apparently, pretty drunk, and didn't really question the fact that he was my cat, but only the thing wether he should be called Sophie or Alfred.
And then, he becamemy cat named Sophie.

Yes, what a story. Cute as a button, or... No.

1 kommentar:

  1. ... I would like to show you something great; I've actually corrected the miss spelling in my URL, so now my site is actually called nuclearbombsale.blogspot.com
    Yes, my dear, now without the E! But, when that's said, your link doesn't work XD
